Friday 18 December 2015


The caramel - it seems like such a simple thing but it had been the thorn in my side for a long time.  I had done 5 previous attempts switching around ingredients and failed each and every time.  I am definitely not one to give up easily so I just needed to try again.  The 6th attempt was the charm and made the most delicious batch of caramels.  They are definitely a lot of work so I tend to only make one patch at Christmas. 

They are very hard not to get addicted too and I tend to eat way to many while wrapping them up in wax paper.


1 cup golden syrup or brown rice syrup
1 cup butter or palm shortening
2 cups brown sugar
1 can coconut milk
1 tbsp. vanilla

Heat the mixture until boiling.  Boil for 20 minutes stirring often.  Add the vanilla and then pour into a greased pan and allow to set.  Once set cut into small pieces and wrap in wax paper.

S'more Dippers

About a month ago my oldest had a s'more day at school and when Ry saw the pics he asked if I could make those for him.  The recipe I use for marshmallows can not be heated so I needed to find a way for Rylan to have the s'more look without cooking or heating the marshmallows.  I made marshmallow fluff instead and used that to make like a sandwich between the graham crackers.  They were a huge success and the smile on Ry's face was priceless

S'more Dippers

1 batch homemade graham crackers
1 batch homemade marshmallow fluff
1 cup melted chococlate for dipping

Spread some of the marshmallow fluff between the graham crackers.  Put the graham crackers together and dip in the chocolate.  Place on wax paper and refrigerate until the chocolate sets.  Enjoy!!

Elderberry Syrup

Cold and flu season was never really a big deal in our house until the boys started school.  Now with both of them in school there are lots of wonderful germs being brought home.  We try and be proactive with hand washing and lots of good foods to eat.  We also give the boys Elderberry syrup once the season starts to help build their systems up so that they do not get really sick. 

The syrup is pretty simple to make and this batch lasts us all winter for the entire house.

Elderberry Syrup

2/3 cups dried elderberries
3 1/2 cups of water
2 tsp ginger
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp clove
1 cup raw honey or coconut nectar

Pour everything except for the honey into a pit and bring to a boil.  Simmer for 45 minutes.  Remove from the heat and let it cool.  Strain out the elderberries.  Once it is completely cook add the honey and pour into a jar and store in the fridge.

I give the boys 1 tsp a day.

Sunday 6 December 2015

Cookie and Cupcake Sprinkles

A few weeks ago Ry's teacher had messaged me to let me know that they would be decorating cookies for class and that I would need to bring in icing and sprinkles.  I was sure I could figure out the icing but was pretty lost at how to make sprinkles.  After a few failed attempts I actually made some and seeing the smile on Ry's face was out of this world.

He had that look on his face that his mother would do anything for him to see him happy and it was such a look of appreciation.  These sprinkles were so easy to make and one small batch makes a lot of them.  You can split the mixture before adding color to make various colors but I usually make one color at a time to stock up.  I store my sprinkles in small mason jars in the pantry.

Cookies and Cupcake Sprinkles

1 cup powdered sugar - I made my own by throwing cane sugar and tapioca starch in the
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 egg white
1 tsp vanilla
1-2 tsp water to get desired thickness of the paste

powdered food colors

Mix together the powdered sugar, salt, egg white and vanilla.  Add water until a paste is formed.  Add powdered food coloring until the desired color is reached.  Put the mixture into a piping bag and pipe onto parchment lined paper and let dry for 24 hours.  Break up into smaller pieces and store in jars.

Natural Food Colors

This time of year is a busy one with the kids in school and the holiday season.  Both the boys have busy weeks ahead making all kinds of Christmas creations with their classes which has meant that I have been busy learning how to make them safe for Rylan.  I have always maintained that we will not let this allergy hold him back and I am trying as hard as I can to make that a reality. 

Christmas time means icing, frosting and food coloring - all things that are chalked full of corn.  This means I get to learn to do it all on my own.  It was surprisingly easier then I thought to make the powdered food colors and was very happy that they turned out.

All you need is a dehydrator (or can be done in the oven) and some fruits and veggies.  I dehydrated the fruit and vegetables and then ground them up to powder in the vitamix.  I added 1-2 tsp of tapioca starch to make them thicker and then I had powdered food coloring.  You can add the powder to your icing or frosting or to make your sprinkles.

Carrots - orange
Turmeric - yellow
Spinach - green
Beets - purple
Cranberries - red