Friday 18 December 2015


The caramel - it seems like such a simple thing but it had been the thorn in my side for a long time.  I had done 5 previous attempts switching around ingredients and failed each and every time.  I am definitely not one to give up easily so I just needed to try again.  The 6th attempt was the charm and made the most delicious batch of caramels.  They are definitely a lot of work so I tend to only make one patch at Christmas. 

They are very hard not to get addicted too and I tend to eat way to many while wrapping them up in wax paper.


1 cup golden syrup or brown rice syrup
1 cup butter or palm shortening
2 cups brown sugar
1 can coconut milk
1 tbsp. vanilla

Heat the mixture until boiling.  Boil for 20 minutes stirring often.  Add the vanilla and then pour into a greased pan and allow to set.  Once set cut into small pieces and wrap in wax paper.

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