Wednesday 23 September 2015

Vanilla Cinnamon Boo Bits

About a month ago the boys and I went to hang out with some friends.  One of the moms showed up with some Tim Bits (which is something Ry could never have).  He has never really noticed other foods before but he noticed these and really who can blame him - Tim Bits rock.  When we got home he asked me very nicely if I could make him some that he could eat.  My heart broke for him and I vowed that I would make a safe version that he could eat.  

I used one of my doughnut recipes that I have made donuts with before and decided to roll them into little balls and deep fry them and see how it turned out.  Well it is fair to say that it was a huge success and he devoured them.  We decided to name them in his honor - the Boo Bit.

Vanilla Cinnamon Boo Bit

3 1/2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup milk
3 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp vanilla
2 tbsps butter
2 eggs

coconut oil for frying

Mix together the wet ingredients and add in the dry ones until a dough forms.  Roll into 1" balls.  Heat up oil and once ready drop in the dough balls and deep fry for a few minutes.  Lay out on a towel to suck up excess oil.

The great thing about this recipes is that you can change the flavors easy.  Drizzle them with icing or coat them in sugar.  Have fun and experiment.

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