Friday 21 August 2015

Chocolate Cream Pie

Chocolate, Chocolate and more Chocolate is what makes this recipes so awesome.  I only make this pie when we have very special company coming over and I want to wow them with a food free of our allergens that tastes like a food that should be filled with all our allergens.  I mean, really, who does not like chocolate in pie form.

Rylan's eyes nearly popped out of his head when I made this one and he begged every 5 minutes to try it and I had to very gently break his heart that the pie needed to set before I could cut into it.

Chocolate Cream Pie

1/2 cup cocoa powder
1/4 cup tapioca starch
3 egg yolks
1 1/2 cup sugar
1/4 tsp sea salt
2 cups milk
1 tsp vanilla

1 basic pie crust

Mix the cocoa, tapioca, beaten yolks, sugar and salt in a pot.  Over medium heat slowly add the milk while stirring.  Cook until the mixture thickens up.  Remove from the heat and add the vanilla and then pour into the baked pie crust and allow to cool in the fridge.

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