Monday 11 April 2016

Chickpea Blender Brownies

Allergies can limit your world so much at times that you tend to get creative.  One of our safe foods is chickpeas and I am blown away by all the things that you can do with them.  I make Ry a chickpea cookie dough that tastes like the real thing so I figured to keep trying new things.

These brownies are flour free, taste like brownies and so easy to make.  The boys loved them.

Chickpea Blender Brownies

2 cups chickpeas ( I soak and then cook dried ones but canned ones will work)
2 eggs
1/2 cup raw cacao powder
2/3 cup sugar (coconut sugar works well)
2 tbsp. milk
2 tbsp. vanilla
2 tsp baking powder

Put all of the ingredients into the vitamix and blend until smooth.  Pour into a parchment lined baking pan.  You can top with chocolate chips if you want.  Bake at 350 F for 25 minutes for thinner brownies and 45 minutes for thicker ones.  Let cool and then cut.

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