Monday 15 February 2016

Fruit Gummies

Brayden is my little man with the sweet tooth and is constantly asking for treats.  Every once in a while I will buy some Yummy Earth gummy bears to eat but they are not safe for Ry.  I decided to try and make our own gummies so Rylan could also enjoy the treats.

They were super easy to make and tasted awesome and the best part is they are healthy and packed with protein for my meat avoiding little man.

Fruit Gummies

3 cups fruit juice (or pureed fruit)
1/2 cup grass fed gelatin
1/4 cup coconut nectar
1 tsp vanilla powder

Pour the juice into a large measuring cup and add the gelatin.  Mix really well and then pour into a pot on the stove.  On medium heat add the nectar and vanilla. Do not boil the mixture, just warm through.  Pour back into the measuring cup and pour into the molds.  Let sit on the counter until slightly set and then refrigerate for 30 minutes to finish setting.  Pop out of the molds and enjoy.

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