Monday 15 February 2016

Basic Meringue Cookie

To anyone that knows me they know that I am stubborn and tend to not give up on anything or anyone.  One thing that was evading my cooking abilities was making a meringue.  No matter what I tried (and believe me I tried a lot) I could not get it to work.  Since I am not one to give up I tried again and happy danced around my kitchen happily when it worked out.  I do not know why it worked after 12 previous attempts but it did and they were heaven.

Basic Meringue

4 egg whites, room temperature
1/2 tsp purest baking powder (contains cream of tartar)
1/4 tsp sea salt
1 1/2 cups icing sugar
1 tsp vanilla powder

Beat the egg whites, baking powder and sea salt on medium until foamy.  Increase speed to medium high and beat until thick.  Slowly add the sugar and beat for 5 minutes.  Stir in vanilla powder.  Place by the tbsp. full on a parchment lined sheet and bake at 250 F for 1 hour.  Turn off the oven and open the door and let sit for another hour.

I also made these and added cocoa powder and chocolate chips and they were to die for.

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