Saturday 17 October 2015

Drying Herbs

I have posted before that one of the best things we had bought was the Excalibur Dehydrator and I got our money's worth this fall when harvesting the garden.  This year I grew a lot of herbs in the garden with the goal of drying then to use all winter.  I successfully dried parsley, cilantro, garlic chives, oregano and basil and will have enough of them to last until the summer.  The dehydrator made the drying process so quick and so easy that I can not wait to do it again next year.

The comfort of knowing that cooking for a year with herbs from my garden is so worth it and it is great to be able to have the ability to spend less in the stores and be less dependent upon others.  That is a huge part of this allergy.  Now to figure out what additional herbs to grow next year as I get to expand the garden.

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