
Sunday, 8 November 2015

The Teal Pumpkin Project

In October 2014 I came across the Teal Pumpkin Project in my newsfeed on Facebook.  At the time it was too late to bring it to Cold Lake for that year so I decided to make it a reality for 2015.  The project originated out of the US and I knew that we needed it here so that Rylan could go out and Trick or Treat and have the same experience as his brother.

The project strives to create a safe environment for all children regardless of allergies or other health issues.  The concept is simple - paint a pumpkin teal, display it in your yard and offer non food treats as well as your regular Halloween candy.  In previous years Ry has gone trick or treating but I have always had to take the treats away from him since he can not eat any of them.  It was hard to see his face and the sadness that came with knowing that he could not enjoy any of the treats he had just gotten.

I have to say that I was overwhelmed by the support of the community and how many people decided to participate in the project.  Over 70 houses in Cold Lake joined in the project and in our neighbourhood alone there was 12.  Rylan got to go to 12 houses and got 12 amazing treats that he could use once he got home.  There are no words to describe seeing Rylan run to each house to check for a teal pumpkin and the excitement on his face when there was one.  It was truly a magical moment for him and for us.  Even better was his face when we got home and started looking at all the amazing things he got.  He was so truly happy that I had no doubts about bringing this project to our city.

I am grateful for all those that participated in the project and truly touched by those that decided to make Halloween a special time for my son.  That night showed the goodness and kind hearts that are here in Cold Lake and restored the notion that people truly and deeply care.  I can not wait until next year we can try and make it even bigger and better.

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