
Monday, 30 November 2015

Soft Pretzels

One of the first recipe books I bought after learning of the allergy was Betty Crocker's "The Big Book of Bread".  I would recommend this book to anyone.  All the recipes I have to modify to work for us but the pretzel one I have to change the least.  The soft pretzels are the most requested item in our house - both boys love them.  They beg me all the time to make them and will devour a batch in just a few days.  They also freeze really well so I try and make a double or triple batch and freeze a bunch of them.

Soft Pretzels

3-4 cups of flour
1 tbsp. sugar
1 1/2 tsp sea salt
1 package yeast
1 1/2 cups warm water
2 tbsp. olive oil or coconut oil

Pretzel wash - 1 cup water, 2 tsps. baking soda, 2 tsps. sea salt

Mix together 2 cups of flour with the sale, sugar and the yeast.  Add the oil and the water and mix well.  Add remaining flour until a dough forms.  Allow the dough to rest for 15 minutes.  Cut off a mandrain orange sized piece of dough and roll into a rope.  Fold into the shape of a pretzel and place on a greased cookie sheet.  Cover and let rise for 20 minutes.  Mix together the water with baking soda and brush over the pretzels.  Sprinkle with desired amount of salt and bake at 425 F for 12 minutes.

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