
Sunday, 15 November 2015

Elephant Ears

I have always liked a good challenge and I have always been too stubborn to quit too.  Put these traits together and I am probably the perfect mom for a son with a corn allergy.  I look at each new food item that I create as huge challenge that I overcame and each new item he eats is an amazing victory.

This summer we took Ry to the fair when it was in town and as we walked around and saw all the fair food my wheels started turning.  When I was younger I loved having elephant eats at K-days.  The fired dough was topped with icing sugar and chocolate sauce and was a slice of heaven.  I figured I could recreate them for Ry and I did.  They tasted amazing.  Ry was very hesitant to try them at first but finally caved and ended up eating three before I had to cut him off.  This is a much healthier way to enjoy fair food.

Elephant Ears

2 cups flour
2 tsp baking powder
3/4 tsp sea salt
2 tbsp. butter
3/4 cup water

Mix together the flour, baking powder and sea salt.  Cut in the butter and then add the water until a dough forms.  Cover and let rest for 15 minutes.  Roll into smaller pieces and deep dry or fry in oil in a pan.  Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon while still hot.

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