Sunday 15 November 2015

Chickpea Cookie Dough

When Ry was a baby and we were starting solid foods we started to give him chicken and he experienced one of the most violent reactions that I have ever seen him have.  Those moments must have imprinted in his mind and now will not eat meat.  I wanted to ensure that he is getting enough protein and chickpeas jumped into my mind.

After Kevin started GAPS we had 24 bags of chickpeas that needed to used and Kevin can not have them.  I was looking for ways to turn them into something that Rylan would eat and enjoy.  My little man loves eating the raw cookie dough when we back so I figured I could make him a faux cookie dough that he could eat.

I was blown away at how good this tasted and Ry could not get enough of it.  Brayden even devoured it.  Warning: Once you make this you will always be making it.  I used dry chickpeas so to prep them for the recipe I soaked them overnight and then simmered in water for 2 hours until soft.

Chickpea Cookie Dough

2 cups chick peas
6 tbsp. brown sugar
1/4 cup peanut butter (or another nut butter)
3 tbsp. oats
1 tbsp. milk
2 tsp vanilla powder
1/8 tsp sea salt
1/8 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup chocolate chips

Put everything but the chocolate chips into the food processor and mix until it resembles cookie dough.  Stir in the chocolate chips.  Refrigerate and enjoy.

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