
Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Apple Cider Vinegar

For two years we had been using Bragg's ACV and then the company changed their bottle and Kevin and Rylan started reacting to it.  Since we can not do white vinegar the apple cider vinegar was a staple in our house.  This meant yet another item I needed to learn how to make.  For some odd reason I had it in my head the making my own vinegar would be this impossible task. So I was pleasantly surprised when I successfully made my first batch of apple cider vinegar without a lot of work on my part.  I would recommend to anyone to make their own vinegar because it is so worth it.

Apple Cider Vinegar

3 apples chopped (no stems)
3 tsp sugar
filtered water

Place the chopped apples into a mason jar and add the sugar.  Cover with the water.  Place cheesecloth over the jar and place on a jar ring.  Store the jar in a warm dark place for 2 weeks.  After the two weeks strain out the liquid into another jar and recover with the cheese cloth and jar ring for 2-3 weeks.  After that you can put a lid on or an oil dispenser.

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