Thursday 22 January 2015

Chocolate Bark

For anyone that knows me, they know that I love chocolate.  It is one of my most favourite things to eat and if that is all Kevin ever bought me as a gift I would be content.  Since changing how we eat, where we get our food and they type of footprint we want to leave behind I have started to make my own chocolates.

The first one I made was not corn safe for Ry because of the cranberries but the second one I made him - peanut butter and sea salt he loved and devoured.

Cranberry Sunflower Chocolate Bark

1 bar semi sweet baking chocolate
1 bag bitter sweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup dried cranberries
1/2 cup raw sunflower seeds
1 tsp sea salt

Melt the chocolate over a double boiler.  Once melted pour on a wax paper lined sheet and spread out.  Top with the cranberries, seeds and salt and allow to set in the fridge.  Break into pieces and store in a container in the fridge or freezer.

For Ry's I added organic peanut butter to the chocolate and topped with sea salt.

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