Tuesday, 8 November 2016

No More Allergies

7 months ago we started doing food challenges with Rylan after the recommendation of our OT and doctor.  Now that his SPD was getting under control they believed that perhaps the reactions he had to food were actually the sensory disorder.  I have to say I was scared to trial the foods, terrified to go back to where we used to be and how tough life was. As each trial came and went successfully we began to truly believe that perhaps the allergy life we had been living with Ry was over.

We are happy to say that after these 7 months Ry has successfully passed 65 different foods and seems to have no hint of allergy in him.  There really are no words to describe what it feels like to not have to watch every bit of food that goes into Rylan's mouth, to carry around a large tote every where we went and spend countless hours making sure he could participate in class activities.  For his 5th birthday we ordered pizza and he devoured it.  He was so happy to eat like the rest of us and so happy that Mommy got a break from cooking.

Not having to worry about the food side of things now allows us to focus on the rest of Ry.  In January he heads to the Glenrose Hospital in Edmonton for 2 days of assessments to walk away with all his issues diagnosed.  We do not want to rush time but for sure want to know what path we need to be on.